Model 800C Series Electrochemical Detector
The Model 800C series is designed for electrochemical detection. This instrument can be used for monitoring the current passing through a flow cell in liquid chromatography/electrochemistry and in-flow injection analysis, as well as other electroanalytical applications. Each instrument contains a digital function generator, a data acquisition system, and a potentiostat / bipotentiostat / galvanostat. The potential control range is ±10 V and the current range is ±10 mA. These instruments are capable of measuring currents down to picoamperes. This series is designed for analytical purposes that require high sensitivity and low noise levels. It has a maximum sampling rate of 1 MHz at 16-bit. The circuitry has very low electrical noise. The instrument allows an external input signal (such as spectroscopy signals) to be recorded simultaneously with electrochemical data. When it is used for amperometric detection, three decades of current scales are plotted during the experiment to display signals of various magnitudes clearly. This model has superior ease of use compared with analog instruments, as well as data storage and analysis capabilities, without the need for recorder/baseline adjustments. It also provides a much larger current dynamic range, so that separate runs for large and weak signals can be avoided.
The Model 8x0C is for single channel measurements, and the Model 8x2C contains a bipotentiostat for dual channel measurements. As a bipotentiostat, it is well suited to rotating ring-disk electrodes applications. It can also be used for other applications where dual channel measurements are essential. Dual channel measurements are available for CV, LSV, CA, DPV, NPV, SWV, and amperometric i-t curves. The 2nd channel can be controlled at an independent constant potential, to scan or step at the same potential as the first channel, or to CV scan with a constant potential difference with the first channel.
The model 800C series is our upgrade to the model 800/800A/800B series. The instrument utilizes flash memory, allowing instrument updates to be distributed electronically instead of the inconvenient shipment of an EPROM chip.
The 800C series has a USB port (default) and a serial port for data communication with the PC. You can select either USB or serial (but not both) by changing a switch setting on the rear panel.
The 800C series also has a true integrator for chronocoulometry.
We provide several different models in the 800C series. The model comparison table compares the different models. Other than what is listed, the specifications and features of these models are identical. Models 800C/802C and 810C/812C are mainly for flow cell detection. Models 820C/822C cannot be used for flow cell detection, but are intended for voltammetry applications. Models 830C/832C are comprehensive electrochemical analyzers that can be used for electrochemical detection, voltammetry, and other applications. Models 840C/842C and 850C/852C are more advanced models with a galvanostat.
Potentiostat Bipotentiostat Galvanostat (840C/842C/850C/852C) Potential range: ±10 V Compliance voltage: ±12 V Current range: 0 to ±0.01 A 3- or 4-electrode configuration Input impedance of reference electrode: 1012 ohm Sensitivity scale: 1x10-12 - 0.001 A/V in 10 ranges Input bias current: < 5 pA Current measurement resolution: < 0.01 pA Fast data acquisition: 16 bit @ 1M Hz External voltage signal recording channel External potential input Automatic and manual iR compensation Potential and current analog output CV and LSV scan rate: 1x10-6 to 500 V/s |
CC and CA pulse width: 0.0001 to 1000 sec True integrator for CC DPV and NPV pulse width: 0.001 to 10 sec SWV frequency: 1 to 100 kHz ACV frequency: 0.1 to 10 kHz SHACV frequency: 0.1 to 5 kHz Dual channel measurements for CV, LSV, CA, DPV, NPV, SWV, i-t Cell control: purge, stir, knock Automatic potential and current zeroing Current low-pass filters, covering 8-decade frequency range, Automatic and manual setting RDE control output: 0-10V (corresponding to 0-10000rpm) Flash memory for quick software update Serial port or USB port selectable for data communication Maximum data length: 128K - 8192K selectable Dimensions: 14.25”(W) x 9.25 ”(D) x 4.75”(H) Weight: 12 Lb. |

Real time data display for flow cell detection.