Model 1000B Series Multi-Potentiostat


The model 1000B series is a computerized 8 channel potentiostat. The system contains a digital function generator, multiplexed data acquisition circuitry, and a multi-potentiostat that can work with eight independent cells or eight working electrodes in the same solution with common reference and counter electrodes. The potential control range is ±10 V for all channels, which can be set at independent potentials or the same potential as the primary channel, so that they can sweep or step potentials together with the primary channel. Each electrode can be individually controlled, including on/off control, potential, and sensitivity settings. The current range is ±10 mA. The instrument is capable of measuring current down to picoamperes.

The model 1000B series is an upgraded version from the model 1000/1000A series. The instrument allows eight independent cells, simultaneous or sequential measurements, fast waveform generation and data acquisition speed (1 MHz @ 16-bit), and easy software update using flash memory.

Besides the commonly used cyclic voltammetry and amperometric i-t measurements, many other electrochemical techniques are available in the 1000B series. All eight channels can be used for various electrochemical techniques, except open circuit potential measurements. The parameters for all channels should be set before running experiments. You cannot alter parameter settings during experiments. During a run, you can toggle display mode between single and multi-set data display (either parallel or overlay plots). After a run, you can choose data sets of any channels as parallel plots or overlay plots.

The instrument is controlled by an external PC running Windows 98/NT/Me/2000/XP/Vista/7, connected using a USB port (default) or serial port. The instruments are easy to install and use. No plug-in card or other hardware is required on the PC side. The commands, parameters, and options are written in terminology that most chemists are familiar with. A dockable toolbar allows quick access to the most commonly used commands, and the systematic and comprehensive help system provides context-sensitive help.

The instrument provides many powerful functions, such as file handling, experimental control, graphics, data analyses, and digital simulation. Some of the unique features include macro command, working electrode conditioning, color, legend and font selection, data interpolation, visual baseline correction, data point removal, visual data point modification, signal averaging, Fourier spectrum, and equations relating to electrochemical techniques. The maximum data length is 128K – 4096K points (selectable) if real-time data transfer is allowed.

8-Channel potentiostat

(8 independent cells or a multi-working electrode cell)

Potential range (all channels):  ±10 V

Compliance voltage:  ±12 V

Current range (each channel):  10 mA

Reference electrode input impedance:  1x1012 ohm

Sensitivity scale:  1x10-9 - 0.001 A/V in 7 ranges

Input bias current:  < 50 pA

Current measurement resolution:  < 1 pA

Data acquisition: 16 bit @ 1 MHz maximum

CV and LSV scan rate:

  • 0.000001 to 5000 V/s (sequential scan)
  • 0.000001 to 25 V/s (8 channel simultaneous scan)

CC and CA pulse width:  0.0001 to 1000 s

CA and CC sample interval:

  • 1e-6 to 50 s (sequential step)
  • 8e-5 to 50 s (8 channel simultaneous step)
DPV and NPV pulse width:  0.001 to 10 s

SWV frequency:

  • 1 to 100 KHz (sequential scan)
  • 1 to 3125 Hz (8 channel simultaneous scan)

ACV frequency:

  • 1 to 10000 Hz (sequential scan)
  • 1 to 312 Hz (8 channel simultaneous scan)

SHACV frequency:

  • 1 to 5000 Hz (sequential scan)
  • 1 to 250 Hz (8 channel simultaneous scan)

i-t sample interval:

  • 1e-6s to 100s (sequential scan)
  • 8e-5s to 100s (8 channel simultaneous scan)

Current low-pass filters

Current analog output

Cell control: purge, stir, knock

Maximum data length:  128K - 4096K selectable

Chassis dimensions:  14.25”(W) x 9.25 ”(D) x 4.75”(H)


chi1000 screenshot
Overlay plot of 8 channel i-t Curve

Overlay plot of 8 channel i-t curve with a different potential setting for each channel

Overlay plot of 8 channel SWV

Overlay plot of 8 channel SWV with all eight channel potentials scanned simultanousely